

As you earn merit badges you can learn things about sports, crafts, science, trades, business, and future careers. There are more than 100 merit badges. Any boy scout may earn any merit badge at any time. You do not need to have rank advancement to be eligible. More information on merit badges can be found at:


Of the more than 120 merit badges, 11 are required to earn the Rank of Eagle Scout.


  1. First Aid
  2. Citizenship in the Community
  3. Citizenship in the Nation
  4. Citizenship in the World
  5. Citizenship in Society
  6. Communications
  7. Personal Fitness
  8. Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving
  9. Environmental Science
  10. Personal Management
  11. Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling
  12. Camping
  13. Family Life

The steps to earn a Merit Badge.

1. Pick a subject (Merit Badge), and check out the Merit Badge book from the troop library. (If you have any question please ask one of the Troop 201 Librarians.)

a. In the Troop Library you will find a plastic box with an index card for all the books in the library. Choose the card that matches the book you would like to take out.  Note: You can also reserve and check out Merit Badge books from the local library.  Reserve online and have the library email you when the book comes in.

b. Put your name and date on index card and book number.

c. When you have finished reading/reviewing the book. Return the Merit Badge Book back to the Troop Librarian to put in the library, and he will cross your name off the index card.

2. Ask the Scoutmaster, or designated Assistant Scoutmaster, for the name(s) of a registered Merit Badge Counselor for the Merit Badge you’d like to work on. Ask for and get a signed merit badge card (blue card) from the Scoutmaster, or an applicable Assistant Scoutmaster if designated before you proceed to work on the Merit Badge or call a Merit Badge Counselor.

3. Call and meet the counselor. A counselor is someone who has special knowledge in the merit badge you have selected. Scout Buddy System. YOU MUST HAVE ANOTHER PERSON WITH YOU AT EACH MEETING WITH THE MERIT BADGE COUNSELOR. This person can be another scout, your parent(s), or guardian, a brother or sister, a relative, or a friend.

4. Get a signed merit badge card (blue card) from your counselor and review what is expected to complete each requirement. Complete the requirements.

5. Once you have completed the merit badge requirements arrange a meeting to meet with your counselor to demonstrate what you know about the Merit Badge.

a. Know your work. Answer the counselor’s questions.

b. Get the badge. When the counselor is satisfied that you have met the requirements he or she will sign your application. Give the Signed application to the Advancement Chairman.

IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO RETURN THE SIGNED BLUE CARD. NO CARD MEANS, NO MERIT BADGE. At the next Court of Honor you will be given the actual Merit badge.



TroopTrackHQ, LLC 51 E 3900 N Vineyard, UT 84059
TroopTrack TroopTrack is not affiliated with or endorsed by Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, Baden Powell Service Association, Trail Life U.S.A., or Scouts Australia. Any usage of BSA, GSUSA, TLUSA, or SA terminology on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of this product by any of these organizations. © 2008 - 2025 TroopTrackHQ, LLC. All rights reserved