“Do a Good Turn Daily” is the Boy Scout slogan and is one that Troop 201 prides itself
on. Troop 201 performs many (thousands) of hours of service in Olmsted Falls and other communities throughout the year.
Every year we set a goal of total scout service hours we want to perform for our town.
There are two types of projects that can help with the total hours of service given to Olmsted Falls by Troop 201.
- Service Projects – A service project is a 2-16 hour project in which some sort of service is performed by the Troop. These projects range from helping the elderly build birdhouses to planting gardens at the Historical Society, or setting up flags in our cemeteries, to participating in a city-wide leaf raking.
- Eagle Projects – An eagle project is a project planned by a Life Scout working towards the rank of eagle. These projects can take anywhere from 80 to 150+ scout hours. The project is led and coordinated by the Eagle Scout candidate.